Charts for our curriculum can be found here. If you are interested in supporting The American Institute of Kenpo can print and ship you the 13x19 and/or the 8½x11 charts. If you have any questions we would be happy to help you.

Keyword Chart
This chart contains all the Defense and Attack Category Keywords used in the naming convention.

Youth Rank Chart
This chart contains the rotational requirements for the Youth Kenpo Program.

Junior Rank Chart
This chart contains the rotational requirements for the Junior Kenpo Program.

Senior Rank Chart
This chart contains the rotational requirements for the Senior Kenpo Program.

Senior Black Belt Chart
This chart contains the rotational requirements for the Senior Kenpo Program.

Forms Chart
This chart contains the breakdown of the Forms taught at The American Institute of Kenpo.

Group Chart
This chart contains the breakdown of the Technique Groups taught at The American Institute of Kenpo.